To me, January is the perfect time to Clean House! After all the decorations are put away, and the fridge and pantry are ridded of any leftovers, it’s time to get to the deep cleaning. The kind of purging that makes you feel exhausted at the end of the day, but also that makes you feel so much better about yourself, and your home! Gone are the clothes that are no longer in style (or fit). Gone are the gadgets that you never really used (quesadilla maker, anyone?). And gone are the things that cause you other forms of grief. Wait, what can cause you grief in your home? Look down… look at those curled up kitchen rugs. Look at those door mats that always bunch up under the doors when you open them. Look at those bathmats that slip slide across your tile. It’s January! Chunk them all! You will feel great about yourself. But now you must replace those items as each serves an important purpose. You are in luck! Studio 67 rugs and mats are made with you in mind. The rubber backing makes sure they lay flat and won’t slide around or bunch up, and the soft, cut-pile surface will please the whole family. Best of all, they are 100% machine washer and dryer safe (no pulling these guys apart!) and guaranteed for up to five-years. Our mats are not just for the entrance… they are beautiful additions to your kitchen, bath, hall, laundry room and beyond! Check out studio67mats.com and also the Clearance tab. Lots of great deals there, but they won’t last long so order soon!